Wallpaper Removal

Paint Innovators has crew of experienced wallpaper removers and is fully armed with all the tools to remove that old wallpaper fast and effectively. We will steam, scrape, and clean your walls until no trace of that aged wallpaper remains. We effectively remove all kinds of wallpaper including vinyl wallpaper.

New wall covering can transform a room, going from boring to beautiful. But before you can determine the best approach to removing wallpaper, you need to know the type of wallcovering and the type of wall surface under the wallpaper. Wallpaper use originated in the 16th century and it was used to decorate the inside of cupboards and small spaces in the grand houses of the aristocracy.  So wallpaper was associated with wealth. There were printed in monochrome on small sheets. Through out the years the wallpaper industry advanced with variety of colors and designs, however late in the 1900 the wallpaper market declined, and the paint industry became popular.

When considering removing your wallpaper, the last thing you want is spending hours scraping every piece of wallpaper and discovering left over glue. New wallcovering can transform a room, going from boring to beautiful. But before you can determine the best approach to removing wallpaper, you need to know the type of wallcovering and the type of wall surface under the wallpaper. If you decide to go from wallpaper to paint, our professional team leave a smooth and clean wall that will be ready for painting. Paint Innovators has crew of experienced wallpaper removers and is fully armed with all the tools to remove that old wallpaper fast and effectively. We will steam the area with water, scrape the first layer of wallpaper and steam the wallpaper again until all the wallpaper peels off making sure your walls have no trace of adhesive and aged wallpaper remains. We effectively remove all kinds of wallpaper including vinyl wallpaper. We are fully licensed and insured and offer competitive rates on all jobs. Save the time and hassle and call the experts. Request your free estimate.

We are fully licensed and insured and offer competitive rates on all jobs. Request your free estimate.